MPA LEGAL is formed by professionals with sound legal background, broad expertise and a relevant track in renowned, both domestic and international, law firms. Our clients are both individuals and companies.
We have a strong commitment with innovation, in order to maximize our performance and render a better service. Our professional structure and working schemes are complemented with customized knowledge and information management tools intended to optimize the handling of matters assigned to us.
We pride ourselves on knowing our clients and their activities. We seek to establish with them an enduring professional relationship so that our assistance contributes to their success. By knowing profoundly our clients and their business we are capable of preventing conflict and delivering a swift, reliable response.
Areas of Practice
Arbitration has proved to be a very useful alternative dispute resolution technique. Our attorneys are members and arbitrators of the most renowned institutions and courts. We belong to the CIArb (Chartered Institute of Arbitrators) and the Club Español del Arbitraje and take part in their activities regularly. We have acted as arbitrators in proceedings managed by numerous institutions related to engineering, construction, financial products, energy, hotel industries and tourism business.
- Selection of the most suitable institution and rules
- Appointment of arbitrators
- Ad hoc arbitration
- Representation of parties in arbitration proceedings
- Legal proceedings to be conducted before courts of law in the framework of arbitration proceedings
- Injunctive and interim measures passed both by courts of law and arbitral tribunals
- Challenging of arbitral awards
- Enforcement of domestic and international awards
- Strategic advice prior to the commencement of the proceedings, including assistance in mediation and other ADR techniques
Our permanent and thorough training strengthens a broad experience acting both as insolvency trustees and as attorneys of the creditor or the debtor, whether an individual or a company. In the event of a business crisis we advise the client to minimize the exposure.
- Design of the most suitable strategies intended to confront distress
- Restructuring processes
- Refinancing of liabilities
- Protection versus director’s liability
- Advice throughout the pre-insolvency stage
- Out-of-court debt settlements
- Representation and advice to creditors affected by an insolvency proceeding
- Credit right protection schemes
- Challenging of the insolvency trustee’s reports to the court
- Review and drafting of debtors’ composition agreements
- Liquidation of assets
- Call of guarantees
- Advice to and conduction of the deals with insolvency trustee
- Acknowledgment and enforcement of resolutions given in cross-border insolvency proceedings
- Acknowledgment and claim or call of international credit rights and guarantees in Spanish insolvency proceedings
We advise companies regarding all the issues related to the formation and development of their internal organization and their business relationship vis à vis third parties. Knowing in depth our clients’ activities allows us to add value with our advice and thereby contribute to improve their day-to-day operative. Our experience in the field of conflicts resolution helps us prevent disputes ahead of time and arrange everything in the most suitable manner to confront them if they nevertheless appear.
- Incorporation of companies
- By-laws amendments
- Secretariat of the board of directors
- Corporate restructuring
- Mergers and acquisitions
- Share capital changes
- Corporate conflicts
- Disputes between stakeholders
- Shareholders’ agreements
- Directors’ liability
- Challenging of corporate resolutions
We focus mainly in advice and defense of business-related offences. We design and implement corporate compliance schemes aimed at minimizing the exposure to criminal liability, both with respect to companies and individuals and related companies.
- Corporate offences; finance and business-related offences
- Insolvency-related offences
- Asset concealment
- Fraudulent administration
- Fraud
- Document forgery
- Offences against honor, reputation and privacy
- Data protection offences
- Theft, robbery, scam
- Offences against public organisms, the Public Treasury and the Social Security
- Intellectual and industrial property-related offences
- Money laundering
- Development and implementation of Compliance programs
We provide legal services and professional advice to entities and professionals engaged in the sports sector, enable them to design strategies and make decisions taking into account all the relevant information. Unlike other firms, we provide a comprehensive legal service thanks to a deep knowledge not only of the sports law sector, but also other areas of law closely related to it, in particular commercial and contracts law.
We are also experts in different conflict resolution techniques, whether in or out of court (mediation, negotiation and arbitration). In summary, we are in an ideal situation to provide all the parties involved in economic and professional activities related to sports (athletes, clubs, associations, etc.) a global vision of their legal relations.
All our attorneys are trained and have a broad experience acting before the courts of law. We are aware that court proceedings are disruptive for the parties. Our experience gained in countless proceedings allow us to reduce the clients’ workload involved in preparing the proceedings and being party thereto.
- Contract liability, tort
- Effectiveness, interpretation and enforcement of civil and commercial agreements
- Proceedings related to inheritance and succession law
- Product liability
- Proceedings related to private law issues arising from competition law
- Professional liability
- Infringement of the rights to honor, personal privacy and own image
- Proceedings on the field of basic rights
- Class actions
- Third party prevailing rights
- Leases and rental agreements; claim of rents and eviction
- Challenging of corporate resolution
- Claims for non-payment of monetary debts
- Summary monetary claims and claims based on commercial security titles
- Enforcement of judgments and other title
- Multi-currency mortgage claims
- Unfair terms in mass-contracting
- Advice to credit institutions in recovery processes
- Acknowledgment and enforcement in Spain of foreign resolutions and awards
Civil law is the cornerstone of the private law system and applies by default to all the remaining areas of law. A fluent and thorough knowledge and command of civil law statute and case law are essential for a suitable legal assistance and solve clients’ concerns.
- Civil and commercial contracts and agreements
- Contract liability and tort
- Ownership issues. Sale and transfer of real estate and other complex assets
- Property law and personal guarantees
- Mortgage loan
- Inheritance law. Quantification and configuration of the inheritance estate
- Allotment of inheritance estate. Challenging of last will
- Urban leases
- Co-ownership and condominiums
- General contracting conditions
- Promissory notes, letters of exchange, securities
- Consumers’ protection
- Family law; parentage, marriage law
- Guardianship
We are proficient in negotiating and drafting commercial agreements. We conduct due diligence reviews as part of corporate takeovers. We advise financial entities and individuals operating in the financial sector, in order to draft and evaluate agreements, design, formalize, and call guarantees and in debt recovery proceedings.
- Domestic and cross-border commercial contracting
- Reseller, dealer and agency agreements
- Business cooperation agreements
- Unfair competition
- Corporate takeovers
- Mergers and acquisitions
- Publicity and advertising contracts
- Insurance
- Construction law. Construction agent’s liability
- Nullification of agreements in fraud of creditor
- International contracting. Incoterms bodies of rule
Dealing with public administrations require effective legal advice that guarantees a proper defense of companies and individuals in their relationship with government agencies.
Our activity encompasses public contracting as well as administrative claims, both before public bodies and in the course of contentious-administrative court proceedings.
- Public procurement and contracting
- Telecoms
- Urban regulation, expropriation
- Grants and administrative concessions
- Economic liability of public agencies
- Licenses, administrative closure orders
- Claim for recovery of unduly paid sums
- Assignment of liabilities for public debts
- Administrative sanctions and penalties
The professional track record of our attorneys is the cornerstone of MPA LEGAL cross-border practice. We are familiar with other cultures, different ways to approach and understand business and the problems that companies operating abroad are often faced with. We know that assisting and advising our clients in this type of transactions requires more than a proficient command of foreign languages and a profound knowledge of law.
MPA LEGAL is a proud member of the European law firms network CYRUS ROSS. All the members of the network and the offices that we collaborate with share our philosophy and professional approach.
The Team
We attach an utmost importance to carefully selecting and permanently training our attorneys and administrative staff. Creating and preserving a cohesive and stable group of professionals, who know our clients and are accustomed to close cooperation is one of our priorities and one of the achievements that we take more pride in.
Litigation and alternative disputes resolution techniques are the main part of our team’s training and expertise. Our experience before courts and arbitration tribunals together with our knowledge of case law and arbitration precedents related to the matters within our areas of practice allow us advice our clients and defend their interest optimally. We are capable of identifying and preventing risks and hazards related to their activity and deploying the best strategy to manage conflict whenever it is unavoidable.
28006 MADRID
PHONE: +34 91 310 40 66
FAX: +34 91 319 32 13